Protection of customers and restrictions on the religious freedom of the employee (A review of the case law of the CJEU1


  • Ángel Jurado Segovia Profesor Contratado Doctor (acreditado a Profesor Titular). Universidad Complutense de Madrid



religious freedom, non-discrimination in the workplace, religious symbols, freedom to conduct a businessn, customers


According to several preliminary rulings by the CJEU, there is a certain margin for companies to adopt policies of neutrality that introduce justified restrictions on employees’ religious freedom, with the aim of avoiding that not following this neutrality may affect relations with customers and cause damage to the employer. This study reviews this case law of the CJEU and reflects on its scope and application, with some considerations that are particularly relevant to the spanish legal system.



How to Cite

Jurado Segovia, Ángel. (2024). Protection of customers and restrictions on the religious freedom of the employee (A review of the case law of the CJEU1. Labor and Business. Labor Law Journal, 3(3), 51–75.