Labour law implications of the valuation of employee service provision by the company’s clientele: Data protection, algorithms and workforce management


  • Erik Monreal Bringsvaerd Catedrático de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social. Universidad de las islas Baleares



Clients, data processing, management power, algorithms, digital platforms, presumption of employment


The workforce management technique consisting of offering the company’s clients the opportunity to assess the provision of services by its workers serves above all to organize work, with consequences in terms of remuneration or productive reorganization. In digitalized companies, the processing of worker data resulting from these assessments must fit into the legal basis on which it is based. The regulations on data protection and algorithms apply to both subordinate and selfemployed workers, and there are arguments to interpret that a digital platform can use TRADE electronic profiles to assign tasks that process them digital reviews without falling into the legal presumption of subordination of work on delivery platforms



How to Cite

Monreal Bringsvaerd, E. (2024). Labour law implications of the valuation of employee service provision by the company’s clientele: Data protection, algorithms and workforce management. Labor and Business. Labor Law Journal, 3(3), 11–49.