The “other” unions in public employment


  • Remedios Roqueta Buj Catedrática de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social Universidad de Valencia



freedom of association, civil servants, unions, most representative unions, public administrations


The right to freedom of association for public officials is regulated in Organic Law 11/1985, of August 2, on Freedom of Association. However, this legal provision is in compliance with the double mandate established in the arts. 28.1 and 103.3 of the Spanish Constitution stablishes certain peculiarities of the freedom of association of public officials while referring to the exercise of collective union activity «to the terms provided in the corresponding regulations», so that it will be the latter that establishes the conditions of its exercise. This study is situated in this context, in which the role of unions that are not more representative in the field of public employment is analyzed, particularly in terms of union action in workplaces and collective bargaining.



How to Cite

Roqueta Buj, R. (2023). The “other” unions in public employment. Labor and Business. Labor Law Journal, 2(3), 241–266.