The "other" unions and the social jurisdictional guarantee




Freedom of association, Minority Trade Union, Trade Union Representativeness, Social Jurisdiction, Collective Action


The present study addresses the possible treatment of the minoritarian trade union in the context of social jurisdiction, more precisely, whether Spanish legislation, by implementing a model that proclaims freedom of association while establishing a differentiated status through the technique of granting a series of prerogatives to those who achieve the status of representative trade union, measured in terms of electoral audience in companies, projects these prerogatives and with what intensity and scope in the configuration of the social jurisdictional guarantee. In summary, it is a matter of analysing the protagonism granted to the minority trade union as opposed to the representative trade union in the configuration of the labour process.



How to Cite

Gil Plana, J. (2023). The "other" unions and the social jurisdictional guarantee. Labor and Business. Labor Law Journal, 2(3), 203–240.